Beekeeping Equipment Suppliers
National Suppliers Brushy Mountain Bee Farm Mann Lake Mann Lake has been a consistently good provider of supplies for many of us over the years and sells almost everything one could need for beekeeping. Very large operation, also provides materials for raising chickens! Pigeon Mountain Trading Company Long Lane Honey Bees Forest Hill Bee Supply Blue Sky Bee Supply Miller Bee Supply Buzz Beekeeping Supplies There are many other suppliers. These are just a few that many of our members tend to use regularly. Diversified Regional Suppliers - Typically offering a complete line of Woodenware, Nucs, Packages, and Queens Middle Mountain Apiary Jim Boyd 171 Southmill Creek Road Petersburg, WV 26847 [email protected] 304-703-7292 Hive House Apiaries 108 South Princess St., Shepherdstown, WV, (304) 261-8548 Jason has been very helpful to our club members, and his shop is one of the closest to where most of us are. To contact it MIGHT be easiest to send him a PM on Facebook, but there's also a phone number. Eversweet Apiaries Jennifer King 85 Everheart Drive Kearneysville, WV 25430 304-876-3832 [email protected] Eversweet Apiaries has been providing local honey, woodenware, hardware, and apiary services for over 10 years. We also sell hygienic Italian & Carniolan queens ($TBD) from Olivarez Honey Bee, Inc. Packages beginning in early April ($TBD). Nucs in early May ($TBD). Our queen shipments arrive every Wednesday from Apr - Sep. In addition, we frequently offer free beekeeping workshops & field days. Please check our web site and Facebook page for these events. Feel free to call or email us or stop by our shop Mon - Fri 9 AM - 3 PM and Sat 9 AM - 12 PM. Other times by appointment. Happ-E Honey Bee Farm Kelly Kipp 94 Back Road Lost City, WV 26810 304-616-7879 [email protected] Sells all woodenware and bee keeping supplies. Package bees and mated queens also. Not sure Kelly's still selling, check first. |
Bee Packages
Bob Wellamayer, Front Royal, VA 540-428-0420 or 540-229-5359 Typically some individuals and clubs may plan a trip to GA in March to procure bee packages. When we hear of that we try to assemble group orders. Details will change every year and typically arrangements are discussed in advance via Facebook. Splits and Swarms Depending on the weather, local beekeepers often split their colonies typically in June and also swarms can be caught at this time. Locally, this is usually discussed at meetings. If someone may have a split or nuc that may be in excess to their requirements, it may be available for local sale. Queen Producers Some local suppliers may produce local queens as a sideline to their other lines of business. Other WV Queen producers can be found at the Mountain State Queen Producers web site, |
Nucs (Nucleus Colonies)
Mountain State Honey, Parsons, WV
Paul Poling
[email protected]
Brian Umstead,
Fort Ashby, WV
11 Greenwood Subdivision, Out Dennison Hollow Road North of Fort Ashby, Approx 4 miles from Fort Ashby stop light
Patterson Creek Apiary
Patterson Creek Road
Burlington, WV
Bill Barbe
Also sell complete hive kits - Call to inquire. Largest
beekeeper and honey producer in our area of WV -- huge!
Walter's Wholesome Goods
[email protected]
Please Note: Some of the larger commercial beekeepers send their bees to CA for almond pollination. When they return, their colonies can be split to create nucleus colonies to sell locally. These are generally available in March. Local nucs are typically available in April or May.
Mountain State Honey, Parsons, WV
Paul Poling
[email protected]
Brian Umstead,
Fort Ashby, WV
11 Greenwood Subdivision, Out Dennison Hollow Road North of Fort Ashby, Approx 4 miles from Fort Ashby stop light
Patterson Creek Apiary
Patterson Creek Road
Burlington, WV
Bill Barbe
Also sell complete hive kits - Call to inquire. Largest
beekeeper and honey producer in our area of WV -- huge!
Walter's Wholesome Goods
[email protected]
Please Note: Some of the larger commercial beekeepers send their bees to CA for almond pollination. When they return, their colonies can be split to create nucleus colonies to sell locally. These are generally available in March. Local nucs are typically available in April or May.